In the summer of 2017, over 30 handpicked sculptures from the world renowned contemporary sculpture artist Seward Johnson came to Old Westbury Gardens and were scattered among the grounds of the resplendent mansion, the meticulous English gardens and the tree-lined walking paths. It was a once-in-a-generation event for Old Westbury Gardens, and they needed a public relations firm to help them spread this message to people from Long Island and beyond. That’s when they placed a call to ZE Creative Communications.
With each passing year, America understands more and more of the potential environmental consequences of energy production and the need to aggressively pursue clean energy solutions. NextEra understands this responsibility. One of the premier clean energy leaders in North America, generating approximately 21,000 megawatts of net generating capacity across 36 states and in Canada, NextEra Energy Recourses, LLC. routinely pursues projects that have a tangible benefit on the surrounding community. Case in point: In 2019, NextEra partnered with the Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) and PSEG Long Island to transform an old landfill and turn it into a solar park. It was called the Kings Park Solar Project, and when NextEra needed a creative communications firm to get the word out about this vital project, it turned to ZE Creative Communications.

Girl Scouts In Nassau County—and, indeed, all over the country—Girl Scouts is a house-hold name. Everyone knows the Girl Scouts, and everyone loves the Girl Scouts. However, a high level of brand awareness and a sterling reputation does not mean that an organization has no use for a public relations firm. In fact a high level of brand loyalty and respect often means a high level of customer expectation as well. When people are used to exceptionalism from your brand, then exceptionalism is what you must deliver. Read more to see how we helped the Girl Scouts of Nassau County meet their high expectations.
At ZE Creative Communications, we use the word “comprehensive” quite a bit. It’s not a mantra, necessarily, but it’s certainly a word to which we aspire. Take public school district clients, for example. Given the wide-ranging complexities of any public school district—competing methodologies; the diversity of people, locations and economic situations; and the sheer size—a simple communications strategy just isn’t going to cut it. No, an effective communications plan for a public school district must be multifaceted and far-reaching, it must take advantage of all devices in the public relations tool box. It must be, in other words, comprehensive. Our work with the Westbury School District exemplifies this philosophy.

How do you make the case for a region? Dedicated to retaining business in Suffolk County, as well as attracting new business, the Suffolk IDA makes a simple and straightforward case for Suffolk to businesses and employers across the county: There’s no better place to grow your business than in Suffolk County. The Suffolk IDA has its message, and it brought in ZE Creative Communications to get this message in front of the people that matter. The decision makers. In order to accomplish this, we engaged in a number of campaigns.